As you know, the government of India started digishala TV channel about two years ago. The purpose of which was to provide the necessary information about the digital payment to the people. digishala channel now gives you complete training about digital payment, how to pay and how to take digital payments or digital currency.
At the same time, it is also to make the general public aware of the way of online or digital frauds.
DigiShala is completely free to air satellite television channel, which is broadcasting all over India by using DD free DTH service. The potential viewership of the channel is more than 2 crores across the country. Digishala channel is becoming popular because it is providing almost all the information releted to digital payments.
DigiShala TV channel is imparting information and education, especially in rural and semi-urban areas relating to Digital Payment ecosystem.
Digishal channel educating to people about various digital payment options through step by step demos of making digital payments using UPI, USSD, Aadhar enabled payment systems, e-Wallets, Cards etc. Along with talk shows and panel discussions with experts.
If you are thinking of doing digital transaction for the first time then do not forget to watch digishala channel first. With this, you will get to learn and know how to use digital payment, security and tips
Understand that this channel has been run by the government only for you so that you can make online or digital payments safely.
You can check latest the list of upcoming programs of digishala TV official website - click here.
If you are not getting this channel in your free to air set-top box, then you can tune your box manually by using these frequencies
Position: 93.5°E
Satellite: GSAT15
Frequency: 11590
Symbol Rate: 29500
System: DVB-S / QPSK / MPEG-2
FEC: 3/4
Encryption: None / Freetoair
Click here if you want to know how to tune manually any free to the air box.
At the same time, it is also to make the general public aware of the way of online or digital frauds.
Shorts in Hindi : अगर आप पहली बार डिजिटल ट्रांजेक्शन करने की सोच रहे है तो सबसे पहले digishala चैनल देखना न भूले। इससे आपको डिजिटल पेमेंट इस्तेमाल करने का तरीका, सुरक्षा और सुझाव सीखने और जानने को मिलेंगे. समझो इस चैनल को सरकार ने सिर्फ आपके लिए ही चलाया हुआ है ताकि आप सुरक्षित ढंग से ऑनलाइन या डिजिटल पेमेंट कर सके
जैसा की आप जानते है की भारत सरकार ने करीब दो साल पहले digishala टीवी चैनल की शुरुआत की थी। जिसका उदेश्य लोगो को डिजिटल पेमेंट के बारे में जरुरी जानकारी मुहैया कराना था। digishala चैनल अब डिजिटल पेमेंट के बारे में आपको पूरी ट्रेनिंग देता है की कैसे आपको पेमेंट करना है और कैसे लेना है।
साथ ही साथ ऑनलाइन होने वाले या डिजिटल फ्रॉड्स के तरीके के बारे में भी अवगत आम जनता को अवगत कराना है।
DigiShala is completely free to air satellite television channel, which is broadcasting all over India by using DD free DTH service. The potential viewership of the channel is more than 2 crores across the country. Digishala channel is becoming popular because it is providing almost all the information releted to digital payments.
DigiShala TV channel is imparting information and education, especially in rural and semi-urban areas relating to Digital Payment ecosystem.
Digishal channel educating to people about various digital payment options through step by step demos of making digital payments using UPI, USSD, Aadhar enabled payment systems, e-Wallets, Cards etc. Along with talk shows and panel discussions with experts.
If you are thinking of doing digital transaction for the first time then do not forget to watch digishala channel first. With this, you will get to learn and know how to use digital payment, security and tips
Understand that this channel has been run by the government only for you so that you can make online or digital payments safely.
You can check latest the list of upcoming programs of digishala TV official website - click here.
If you are not getting this channel in your free to air set-top box, then you can tune your box manually by using these frequencies
Position: 93.5°E
Satellite: GSAT15
Frequency: 11590
Symbol Rate: 29500
System: DVB-S / QPSK / MPEG-2
FEC: 3/4
Encryption: None / Freetoair
Click here if you want to know how to tune manually any free to the air box.