If you are a student and studying, then this is your essential information, that due to the covid-19 pandemic, you may not be able to go to your school, college, or coaching classes because of lockdown, then there is nothing to worry about. Because the Government of India is worrying you. You can take live coaching classes from DD's free dish of Doordarshan at your home (in whatever class or subject you want to know or read about) from well-known Indian schools, colleges, and their teachers or professors.
Here you will get the knowledge of the syllabus of your subject, as well as the opportunity to meet the famous teachers of the country. And maybe here you also get to know a new way of reading and teaching.
What kind of education TV channels are on DD free dish?
The Government of India has given attention to all classes of students, here you find the following types of education channels.
PM E Vidya TV Channels (Primary Education + Higher Education) -
There is a government scheme launched by the Government of India on 17 May 2020 by the country's Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman for achieving digital/online schooling for students of classes 1 to 12 in the country. Under this scheme, all the students of the first to a twelfth class of the country are getting benefits. With the help of DD Free Dish, children of all these classes are getting an education at home. In this scheme, TV channels from classes one to 12. Meaning every TV channel is for different classes. By this, the parents also know which class the child is taking. The biggest thing is that in the class on which you will be on the channel, you will get a syllabus from the violence of the same class.
If you want to know more about PM E Vidya TV channels, then watch from here.
Swayamprabha TV Channels (Higher Education + Graduation + Competition) -
Now the goal of taking long-distance studies to one end of the village is being achieved through the Government of India's plan, Swayambrabha. Swayamprabha is a group of 34 TV channels where you will find online classes related to Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Computer and IT, Electrical, Electronics and Communication, Engineering Sciences, Humanities Management, and you can also revise the recorded program by watching it later. Can. Here you will also find TV channels according to topics such as biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics, language, etc.
So whether you are a student or preparing for competition, the way of reading from eminent professors will attract and amaze you. For more information, see the list of TV channels here.
Regional Language Educational TV Channels -
Not only this, but you also get regional or state language channels or live classes on DD Free Dish. The Gujarat government is also running 17 TV channels through the VandeGujarat Mission where you can take classes ranging from primary to higher education in the Gujarati language.
Watch the list of TV channels from here.
Other states will also receive regional language live classes during the Corona epidemic on channels in Doordarshan's states.
How will you get these free educational TV channels?
Let us assume that you are a schoolchild, then you can ask the parents about the channels of Doordarshan free dish. Or if your children study in school, then you should get a DD free dish system to teach your children at home. The installation of DD free dish is only a one-time expense, and then there is no cost in it, there is no recharge for any month.
The government of India is giving direct education to farmers on agricultural education and knowledge of new techniques of farming