Prasar Bharati for allotment of vacant MPEG-2 slots of DD Free Dish DTH platform for the period from 1st April 2022 to 31st March 2023 through 59th online e-auction process to be conducted tentatively on 22 March 2022, Applications are invited.
After winning vacant DD Free dish Tv slots -
Successful channels will be required to arrange their own IRD Box in advance at DTH Earth Station, Todapur, New Delhi to place their channel on the DD Free Dish platform.
Successful channels will be placed on the empty Logical Channel Number (LCN) of DD Free Dish.
59th e-Auction Period-
the period from 1st April 2022 to 31st March 202359th e-auction E-Auction will be held on 22 March 2022Some Important information
Only satellite channels licensed by the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting will be allowed to participate in the e-auction. Only companies having valid permission from the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting or their authorized distributor partners can apply to participate in the e-auction for the allotment of DD Free Dish slots.If the applicant company is other than the licensee, the document/ agreement signed between the licensee company and the applicant company shall authorize the applicant/bidder to distribute the channel and bid on behalf of the licensee. International public broadcasters licensed by the Ministry of I&B can also participate in the e-auction.Interested broadcasters may apply online at and upload all necessary documents as prescribed in the application.After completion of e-auction, the successful channel can apply for allotment of LCN giving three options in order of preference. However, this does not guarantee the placement of a successful channel at the given priorities for the LCN.
Please note: For the period of 1st April 2022 to 31st March 2023, 57th e-auction and 58th e-auction have already been completed.This 59th e-auction will be conducted to fill balance vacant slots on a pro-rata basis.You can check currently available
MPEG-2 TV channels on DD Free dish.