If you are looking for Doordarshan's Regional, National, and International TV channels list then you are on the right page. Here you can check the list of DD Channels. If you want to watch any regional, National, or international channel then you can get it by using DD Free dish. If you don't have DD Free dish, and using any other platform for entertainment then you can demand these TV channels from your service provider.
There is no monthly charge or subscription to get these channels.
DD Channel List / Doordarshan Channels List -
Sr. | Channel Name | Type | Quality |
1 | SD | ||
2 | HD | ||
3 | SD | ||
4 | HD | ||
5 | Hindi Nostalgia | SD | |
6 | National Sport | SD | |
7 | National History | SD | |
8 | Urdu Entertainment | SD | |
9 | Farming Channel | SD | |
10 | International News | SD | |
11 | International News | HD | |
12 | Digital Channel | ||
13 | National Fact Check & Current Affairs | SD | |
14 | For Kerala State | SD | |
15 | For Tamilnadu | SD | |
16 | For Odisha | SD | |
17 | For West Bengal | SD | |
18 | For the NorthEast States | SD | |
19 | For Tripura | SD | |
20 | For Andhra Pradesh | SD | |
21 | For Karnataka | SD | |
22 | For Maharashtra | SD | |
23 | For Gujarat | SD | |
24 | For Uttarakhand | SD | |
25 | For Kashmir | SD | |
26 | For Assam | SD | |
27 | For Punjab | SD | |
28 | For Rajasthan | SD | |
29 | For Jharkhand | SD | |
30 | For MP | SD | |
31 | For UP | SD | |
32 | For Bihar | SD | |
33 | For Telangana | SD | |
34 | For Chhattisgarh | SD | |
35 | For Himachal Pradesh | SD | |
36 | For Goa | SD | |
37 | For Hariyana | SD | |
38 | For Meghalaya | SD | |
39 | For Mizoram | SD | |
40 | For Manipur | SD | |
41 | For Nagaland | SD |
You can check the Doordarshan channel's satellite frequency and channel number on the DD Free dish, check here.
Image Source: Prasar Bharati, Doordarshan
FAQs -
How many DD channels are there?
Currently, we have found about 40+ TV channels by Doordarshan.
What is the Doordarshan channel number?
You can check the DD Free Dish channel number list here.
How to watch DD Channels live?
You can watch Doordarshan channels live using YouTube, OTT apps, and online websites.