If you are thinking to install the DD Free Dish system at your home to save monthly subscription charges, yes it is a good option to do it.
Or if you have multiple TV systems in your multiple rooms then DD Freedish is a very good option to watch news, movies, and serials without any additional monthly cost.
Which accessories required to Install DD Freedish DTH?
Following is given below accessories required in DD Free dish DTH -
DTH Antenna, Ku-Band Universal LNB, Coax Cable, Set-Top Box
So, now, you would like to know that What is the cost of DD free dish? right!
Here we are giving you some ideas so that you can find a suitable DD Free dish system in your local market.
We have found out the retail price of accessories for DD Freedish in the local market, then some of the following figures have come out. Which you can see here.
DD Free dish DTH Antenna -
Low-quality Dish / DTH Antenna price - Rs.350-500
Medium Quality Dish / DTH Antenna price - Rs.450-550
High Quality / Heavy Weighted / Imported Dish / DTH Antenna price - Rs.600-800
DD Free Dish LNB -
Unbranded Ku-Band LNB Price - Rs.100-170
Branded Ku-Band LNB Price - Rs.180-350
DD Free Dish Coaxial Cable -
Unbranded RG6 coax cable price Rs.10 to 15 per meter
Branded RG6 coax cable price Rs.15 to 20 per meter
DD Free Dish RG6 connectors -
Normal RG6 Connectors - Rs.2 - 5 per pcs
Compression RG6 Connectors - Rs.18 - 30 per pcs
DD Free Dish Set Top Box -
Free-to-air MPEG-2 Set-Top Box - Rs.500-800
Free-to-air MPEG-4 Set-Top Box - Rs.800 - 2500
Doordarshan Authorized i-CAS MPEG-4 SD Set-Top Box - Rs.1200-1500
So now you have come to know the market value of the accessories installed in the DD Freedish system. Which you can buy according to your budget or requirement.
How to Install DD Free dish system?
If you have already purchased the above accessories then you contact any DTH dealer shop near your residence and ask to provide an installation person. The installation person can charge you Rs.200 to 350.
You can also contact Doordarshan authorized dealers, ask to provide all the accessories including installation service.
Is DD free dish really free of cost?
You have to buy the DD Free dish system at a one-time cost, after that there are no monthly charges.